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Urban design for the Du Jia Shan pastoral complex


客户: 庄盛农业科技有限公司

Client: Zhuangsheng Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.


Project nature: Urban Design

项目规模:2000 亩

Size: 133 hectares


The project is located in Mingyu Town, Nanchuan District, Chongqing, covering an area of about 133 hectares. The average elevation of the project is about 1200 meters. The site is full of sunshine and fresh air. On the basis of multiple site surveys and in-depth communication with client, we take "alpine wellness vacation life destination" as an important development goal of this project.meanwhile, we take art involved into the project as the key methodology. Based upon above, we formulated a series of strategies that are not only meet the local ecological protection requirements, but also meet the sustainable development way of the industry.

技术支持: 遥阳科技 | 管理登录
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