

首页/Home >> 项目/Projects >>项目 >> 保山市龙陵县凤凰和院建筑方案设计


The architecture design for the Phoenix Courtyard in Longling city


客户: 云南龙燊房地产开发有限公司

Client: Yun Nan Long shen property development Co., Ltd.


Project nature: Architecture Design\Construction Planning


Size: 1.87 hectare


The project is located in Longling County, Baoshan City, Yunnan Province, covering an area of about 1.87 hectares. As a local flagship project, through repeated communication with the client, the core development goal of "changing the lifestyle" was finally determined to create a series of high-end courtyard-level products that conform to the current and future residential development direction. In the product design, the interior and exterior spaces are organically unified and integrated through the relatively open layout. In terms of architectural style, the new Chinese style is used as the basic language, and the traditional features of local dwellings are integrated at the same time, so that the owner has a future-oriented life style, as well, has a strong cultural identity for the project.

技术支持: 遥阳科技 | 管理登录
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