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Driver’s Yard, Chelmsford

项目名称: 戴维斯广场

客户: Barratt Eastern Counties


造价15 million

       面对一个规则的空间, 设计师要处理的问题在于如何运用景观设计的手段创造一个简约,活泼的居住空间氛围。通过创造性地运用一个“8”字形的地面铺装形式,成功地打破了呆板的矩形空间形态。铺装材料柔和的色彩对比,软化了建筑物生硬的外立面。规整的草坪,精心配置的灌木和绿化树与喷泉形成动与静的强烈对比。各种元素通过疏密,动静的组合共同形成了一个轻松,活泼又不失现代感的氛围。

       Facing a regular space, the major problem the designer need to deal with is how to use landscape to create a simple but lively living environment. The designer successfully created a interesting feature, by introducing an “8”shap paving pattern. The softness of the paving material reduced the hardness of the buildings. Grass, shrubs, trees and fountain create a strong contrast between still and movement. Different landscape elements working together and creates a relax and lively modern atmosphere.

技术支持: 遥阳科技 | 管理登录
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